NISO JATS v0.4: Draft Standard for Trial Use

The current NISO Standard version is 1.3.

NISO Z39.96.201x version 0.4 was released by NISO on March 30, 2011 as a "Draft Standard for Trial Use". There will be a 6-month Comment Period during which time users may make comments on the Tag Suite and the article models through the NISO site here. The Working Group will address all comments and recommend an updated version to the NISO members to be adopted as the Final Standard (version 1.0).

The schemas and documentation specific to version 0.4 are available on this site. There may be significant changes to the Tag Suite or to the individual Tag Sets between this draft version and the final version. We do not guarantee that version 1.0 will be backward-compatible with this draft version. Please consider this as you start developing with these files.