article-type Type of Article
Type or kind of article (for example, “research”,
“commentary”, “review”,
“case”, or “calendar”).
This attribute can be used to attach information classes to articles for grouping
or searching. An archive may use this, for example, to preserve the publisher’s classification
of an article.
Use for Primary Article
When the article is a commentary on another article (for example, a correction, addendum,
or editorial), this attribute contains metadata concerning the commentary itself;
it does not define the kind of article that is being corrected or amended.
Best Practice
When possible, articles should be assigned types, that is, this attribute should be
used on the <article> element to provide typing information for retrieval or record keeping. Many publishers
indicate the type of article, either in an attribute like this one, or with unique
element declarations (such as “<review>” or “<case-study>”), and this attribute has been designed to preserve that information. If the article
is not one of the listed types or the type of article cannot be determined, the “other” attribute value may be used, or the attribute may be omitted.
Case in Attribute Values
Upper/lower/mixed case in attribute values for title types is likely to be variable
and thus
unreliable for search/discovery. If possible, JATS recommends a case-insensitive search
for such
values. For example, if an article type is a Corrigendum, many publishers will encode
the type in
the XML file as “corrigendum” to keep all attribute values lower case,
while others will use “Corrigendum” because that how they display the type.
OPTIONAL on elements: <article>, <sub-article>
Value | Meaning |
Text, numbers, or special characters | Names the type of article, for example, “research-article”. |
Restriction | @article-type is an optional attribute; there is no default. |
Suggested usage
Although designed to accept any text as its value, the following are suggested article
identifier types:
The article itself contains only an abstract (of a paper or presentation) that usually has been presented or
published separately.
A published work that adds additional information or clarification to another work
(the somewhat similar value “correction” corrects an error in previously published material.)
Material announced in the publication (may or may not be directly related to the
A work whose subject or focus is another article or articles; this article comments
the other article(s). (This value would be used when the editors of a publication
invite an author
with an opposing opinion to comment on a controversial article and then publish the
two articles together. The somewhat similar value
“editorial” is reserved for commentary written by an editor or other publication staff.)
Review or analysis of one or more printed or online books. (The similar value
“product-review” is used for product analyses.)
Notification that items, for example, books or other works, have been received by
publication for review or other consideration.
A short and/or rapid announcement of research results.
A list of events.
Case study (or case studies), case report, or other description of a case.
Wrapper article for a series of sub-articles or responses; this value’s usage is restricted
to articles whose intellectual content appears primarily in <sub-article> or <response>.
A review document, most likely from an open peer review system, that is not from an
assigned reviewer or a response from the author.
A modification or correction of previously published material; this is sometimes called
“errata”. (The somewhat similar value “addendum” merely adds to previously published material.)
An article that IS a description of a dataset (rather than just containing such a description amidst
other narrative material). Data papers can provide more thorough context and description
of datasets than the metadata required for deposition into a data repository. At the
present time (2023), data papers do not typically include interpretation of the data
in the dataset (an exception may be discussion of the methods of collection). “Data
papers facilitate the sharing of data in a standardized framework that provides value,
impact, and recognition for authors.” — Oregon State University Research Data Services.
Invited discussion related to a specific article or issue.
An assessment of the paper, its research, or its grammar and style (for example) by
an editor, directed to the author(s).
Opinion piece, policy statement, or general commentary, typically written by staff
of the publication. (The similar value “article-commentary” is reserved for a commentary on a specific article or articles, which is written
by an author with a contrasting position, not an editor or other publication staff.)
The opinions of the author(s) on a particular topic.
Notice (typically from the publisher) that a particular publication
(or the data behind the publication) may contain errors, might be untrustworthy, or
is under investigation.
Summary or teaser of items in the current issue.
Reports on a conversation, where one party (or parties) is asking questions of another
party or parties, typically concentrating on the responses to the queries.
An introduction to a publication, or to a series of articles within a publication,
typically for a special section or issue.
Letter to a publication, typically commenting upon a published work.
Report of a conference, symposium, or meeting.
Describes how the research behind an article was conducted, for example, observational, experimental,
theoretical, or computational procedures. Making method descriptions into an entire
article rather than a conventional “Methods Section” allows the procedures to be described
in far greater detail, for example, in sufficient detail to replicate the methods.
News item, normally current but atypically historical.
Announcement of a death, or an Appreciation for a colleague who has recently died.
Reprint of a speech or oral presentation.
Description, analysis, or review of a product or service, for example, a software
package (The similar value “book-review” is used for analyses of books.)
A protocol is a description/explanation for a study or research project, including
such topics as the rationale, the objectives, the methodolog(ies), how the study effects
different populations, and data management guidelines. A protocol does not describe the results of the study or research.
Fast-breaking research update or other news item.
Reply to a letter or commentary, typically by the original author commenting upon
Article reporting on primary research. (The related value “review-article” describes a literature review, research summary, or state-of-the-art article.)
Retraction or disavowal of previously published material.
Review or state-of-the-literature article summarizing previously published research
on a topic. (The related value “research-article” describes original research. The related value “systematic-review” describes a focused review that analyzes and summarizes/synthesizes data, methods,
and conclusions concerning a topic.)
Comments from a peer-reviewer concerning the quality of an article.
A systematic review extracts and interprets data from relevant published individual
studies on a particular research question, and then analyzes, evaluates, and summarizes/synthesizes
the material into one coherent discussion/conclusion concerning the topic. (The related
value “review-article” describes a review and summary of the published literature concerning a topic.)
Translation of an article originally produced in a different language.
Instruction or teaching on (for example) how to perform a task or understand a topic.
Tagged Sample
Identifying a research article
<article dtd-version="1.4" xml:lang="fr"