mimetype Mime Type

Mime type for a graphic, multimedia object, or piece of supplementary material.


The source for this attribute’s values is the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

Combine @mime-subtype into @mimetype

Avoid using @mime-subtype and @mimetype as separate attributes. Instead, combine mimetype and mime-subtype values separated by a slash inside @mimetype (e.g., @mimetype="application/excel"). IANA documentation refers to these combined mimetypes as “media-type”.
Prior to version 1.4 of JATS, the mimetype and subtype attributes were used separately (mimetype="application" mime-subtype="excel"). For backwards compatibility, this usage will still be valid JATS, although precombined mimetypes are now preferred.
OPTIONAL on many elements; click for list and usage
Value Meaning
Text, numbers, or special characters The appropriate mime type for the object.
Restriction @mimetype is an optional attribute; there is no default.
Tagged Samples
Combined mimetype/mime-sub-type for CSV (Comma Separated Values)
Preferred precombined format, not utilizing @mime-subtype
<media id="source-data-1" content-type="sdata" 
  mimetype="text/csv" xlink:href="source-data-1.csv">
  <title>Orthogroup clustering analysis</title>
Mimetypes for multimedia objects (Mpeg and Flash)
Shown with mimetype and subtype separately; preferred form is precombined “video/mpeg” and “video/x-flv
 <media mimetype="video" mime-subtype="mpeg" orientation="portrait"
   position="anchor" specific-use="archival-format" xlink:href="v1"></media>
 <media mimetype="video" mime-subtype="x-flv" orientation="portrait"
   position="anchor" specific-use="online-format" xlink:href="v1"></media>