pub-id-type Type of Publication Identifier
Type of publication identifier, such as a DOI or a publisher’s identifier.
Attribute Best Practice
Type of Identifier
While the values of the @pub-id-type
attribute are unconstrained, best practice is to reserve the @pub-id-type value for the specific type of the
external identifier (such as a DOI or PMID) or for a generic type of identifier (such
as a publisher’s identifier, an aggregator’s or archive’s identifier, the identifier
assigned by
an indexing or hosting service, or similar). The values for @pub-id-type are unconstrained and may take any value.
Authority for Identifier
The attribute @assigning-authority should name the organization or system that assigned the identifier or administers
the identifier (such as Crossref, OCLC, GenBank, Figshare).
The @pub-id-type attribute can be used in several contexts:
- as part of the article metadata defined inside the element <article-meta> (for example, on the <article-id> element, which holds an identifier for the entire article);
- inside a bibliographic citation element such as <mixed-citation> or <element-citation> (for example, on the <pub-id> element, which identifies a publication cited in a bibliographic reference list);
- on an object identifier element (<object-id>); and
- on an issue or volume identifier (for example, on the <issue-id> element, which identifies an issue).
Case in Attribute Values
Upper/lower/mixed case in attribute values for organizations and identifier types
is likely to be variable and thus unreliable for search/discovery. If possible, JATS
recommends a case-insensitive search for such values. For example, if an identifier
type is a DOI, many publishers will use “doi” (to keep all attribute values lower case), while others will use “DOI” (because that is the native language acronym). Adding to this variability are identifiers
that change over time. Expect to find the organization Crossref in values as “Crossref” (the currently preferred organization name), “CrossRef” (the previously preferred organization name), or “crossref” (for publishers who prefer all lower case for attributes).
Historical Note
Until JATS version 1.2d2
(2018), the @pub-id-type’s value conflated two
meanings: the attribute could hold the
type of identifier (such as a DOI or ISBN), or it could hold the name of the organization
or system
that defined or registered the identifier (such as Crossref). There was no way to
state both that
the identifier content of the element was a DOI and that the server was
Figshare or Crossref. Although all the previous @pub-id-type values will continue to be accepted, for best practice, the @assigning-authority
should name an organization, and the @pub-id-type attribute should describe the identifier type.
OPTIONAL on many elements; click for list and usage
Value | Meaning |
Text, numbers, or special characters | The type of identifier, either as a specific type (such as “doi” or “std-designation”) or a generic identifier type (such as “publisher-id” or “archive”). |
Restriction | @pub-id-type is an optional attribute; there is no default. |
Suggested usage
Best Practice: While this attribute may contain any text, the type of identifier should be named when the identifier is a known type, for example, DOI, ISBN, or Handle.
The list below suggests some well-established types:
Generic identifier type for a unique identifier given to an item in a data repository.
For example, a DNA or protein sequence record for tracking the sequence record and
the associated sequence over time.
Generic identifier type for an identifier assigned by an archive or other repository
(generally used with elements <object-id>, <issue-id>, and <volume-id>)
Archival Resource Key — a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) containing the word
“ark” that is a multi-purpose identifier for information objects of any type
Generic identifier type for an article accession identifier for interchange and retrieval
between archives
Obsolete PDB/CCDC identifier (may be present on older articles)
The value “custom” is used in versions of JATS that have a static list of values for the @pub-id-type attribute. To add a value to such a list, the identifier is given the type “custom” and a separate @custom-type attribute provides the typing value. There is no need for this mechanism in Archiving,
since there are no restrictions on the value of @pub-id-type, but “custom” and @custom-type have both been included in Archiving so that documents valid to a stricter version
of the JATS Tag Set will also be valid to Archiving.
Digital Object Identifier
Handle identifier, part of the Handle System for assigning, managing, and resolving
persistent identifiers for digital objects and other resources on the Internet
Generic identifier type for an identifier assigned by an abstracting or indexing service
(generally used with elements <object-id>, <issue-id>, and <volume-id>)
International Standard Book Number
Generic identifier type for an identifier assigned to a manuscript
NLM Medline identifier
PubMed Central identifier
PubMed Identifier (PubMed ID). See https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=pubmed.
Generic identifier type for a publisher’s identifier, such as an “article-id”, “artnum”, “identifier”, “article-number”, “pub-id”, etc.
Serial Item and Contribution Identifier (An ANSI/NISO Z39.56 code to uniquely identify
volumes, articles, or other parts of a periodical. A journal article may have more
than one SICI, for example, one for a print version and another for an electronic
The official number of a standard, from a standards body such as ISO, NISO, IEEE,
ASME, etc., for example, “Z39.96-2019”
Tagged Samples
Differentiate <article-id>s in the article metadata
... <article-meta> <article-id pub-id-type="publisher-id">1037</article-id> <article-id pub-id-type="doi" assigning-authority="crossref">10.1128/JCM.39.7.2634-2636.2001</article-id> <article-id pub-id-type="pmid">11427581</article-id> ... </article-meta> ...
DOI of data availability statement
<sec id="s0014" sec-type="data-availability">
<title>Data availability statement</title>
<p>The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in <mixed-citation
publication-type="data"><source>Zenodo</source> at <pub-id
An article identifier assigned by Mathematical Reviews (MR)
<article-id assigning-authority="mr"
A Zentralblatt MATH (zbMATH) article identifier
<article-id pub-id-type="zbl">06451297</article-id>
Record the project-specific identifier for the issue
... <article-meta> ... <title-group> <article-title>The Indian Medical Gazette</article-title> </title-group> <pub-date iso-8601-date="1866-01-01">...</pub-date> <volume>1</volume> <volume-id pub-id-type="barcode" assigning-authority="nlm">NLM015999052</volume-id> <issue>1</issue> <issue-id pub-id-type="archive" content-type="scantrac-id" assigning-authority="nlm">70184</issue-id> <fpage>1</fpage> <lpage>1</lpage> ... </article-meta> ...
Inside a citation for a print journal article, to name the identifier as a Crossref DOI
<element-citation publication-type="journal" publication-format="print">
<pub-id pub-id-type="doi"
Cite a specific print version of an issue
<mixed-citation publication-type="journal" publication-format="print">
<string-name><surname>Ganster</surname>, <given-names>D. C.</given-names></string-name>,
<string-name><surname>Schubroeck</surname>, <given-names>J.</given-names></string-name>,
<string-name><surname>Sime</surname>, <given-names>W. E.</given-names></string-name>,
& <string-name><surname>Mayes</surname>, <given-names>B. T.</given-names></string-name>.
<article-title>The nomological validity of the Type A personality among employed
adults</article-title> [Monograph]. <source>Journal of Applied Psychology</source>,
<year iso-8601-date="1991">1991</year>; <volume>76</volume>(<issue>1</issue>):
<fpage>143</fpage>-<lpage>168</lpage>. <issue-id assigning-authority="nlm"
pub-id-type="call-number">W1 IN249</issue-id>.</mixed-citation>