<ack> Acknowledgments

Textual material that names the parties who the author wishes to thank or recognize for their assistance in/contributions toward the article, for example, producing the work, funding the work, inspiring the work, or assisting in the research on which the work is based.


If a figure or table has been taken directly from another work, or modified from a figure or table in another work, the <ack> element can be used to name the source and creator (and possibly the Intellectual Property rights) of the work in which the structure originated.
While many non-JATS tag sets limit the <ack> element to inside Back Matter, the Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Set allows <ack> at either the paragraph or the section level at many places within the body. Usage within the body of an article will probably be rare.
Related Elements
A more detailed metadata and/or display description of acknowledgment material can be given in the <funding-group> and <support-group>.

Base Attributes

Models and Context
May be contained in
The following, in order:
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  ack          %ack-model;                                  >
Expanded Content Model
(sec-meta?, label?, title?, (address | alternatives | answer | answer-set |
array | block-alternatives | boxed-text | chem-struct-wrap | code | explanation | fig | fig-group |
graphic | media | preformat | question | question-wrap | question-wrap-group |
supplementary-material | table-wrap | table-wrap-group | disp-formula | disp-formula-group |
def-list | list | tex-math | mml:math | p | related-article | related-object | ack | disp-quote |
speech | statement | verse-group | x)*, (sec)*, (notes | fn-group | glossary |
Tagged Sample

In back matter

  <p>We thank B. Beltchev for purification of Hfq, S. Cusack and A. J.
   Carpousis for the gift of PAP I, A. Ishihama for Hfq antibodies used in Hfq
   purification, M. E. Winkler for strains TX2808 and TX2758, I. Boni for reminding
   us that Hfq binds poly(A), M. Springer for suggesting that Hfq might
   relate PAPs to primitive telomerase, Ph. Derreumeaux for help in sequence
   comparisons, M. Grunberg-Manago, C. Condon and R. Buckingham for reading the
   manuscript, and H. Weber for advice. We also acknowledge Ministère de
   l'Education Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie, Centre National de
   la Recherche Scientifique, and Paris7 University for support.</p>
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