
Principal Award Recipient

Individual(s) or institution(s) to whom the award was given (for example, the principal grant holder or the sponsored individual).


Although the content of this element may contain an institution name, this is not the place to record the affiliation (<aff>) of a person who is the award recipient. An organization name (<institution>) within this element indicates that an organization (such as a Laboratory) was the recipient of the award.

The <principal-award-recipient> may or may not be the same as the <principal-investigator>, for example, a grant could be awarded to a Department or to individual A, and individual B could serve as the Principle Investigator. When the same individual serves in both roles, the name should be listed in both places.


specific-use Specific Use
xml:lang Language

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  principal-award-recipient
                         %principal-award-recipient-elements;)*      >

Expanded Content Model

(#PCDATA | name | name-alternatives | institution | string-name)*


Any combination of:

This element may be contained in:



Funding metadata and the textual Acknowledgement that states the same information in the narrative of the document

<kwd-group kwd-group-type="author">...</kwd-group>
<award-group id="nih-509">
<funding-source country="US">NIH</funding-source>
<award-id>NIH GM61374</award-id>
<award-group id="nsf-510">
<funding-source country="US">NSF</funding-source>
<award-id>NSF DBI-0317510</award-id>
<award-group id="arda-511" award-type="contract">
<funding-source country="US">ARDA ACQUAINT</funding-source>
<award-group id="geneentech-512" award-type="gift">
<funding-source country="US">Genentech Corp.</funding-source>
<p>... Part of the research at Stanford was supported by NIH GM61374.
The Berkeley portion of this research was supported by NSF DBI-0317510,
an ARDA AQUAINT contract, and a gift from Genentech Corp.</p>


