The year of copyright.
Since the <copyright-statement> element is intended for display, this element’s contents may not be displayed (but will be available for searching). The <copyright-year> element need not be used, if having the year as part of the <copyright-statement> is sufficient. (See <copyright-statement>.)
Historical Note: This element (<copyright-year>) was significantly remodeled for NLM 3.0. The current JATS values are backwards compatible with NLM 3.0 but not with earlier versions. Specifically, in prior versions the <copyright-year> element was allowed outside the <permissions> container element (although this was not best practice).
<!ELEMENT copyright-year (#PCDATA) >
Text, numbers, or special characters
<contrib contrib-type="author">...
<copyright-statement>Copyright © 1999, British
Medical Journal</copyright-statement>
<copyright-holder>British Medical Journal</copyright-holder>
<p>To examine the effectiveness of day hospital attendance
in prolonging independent living for elderly people.</p>