Issue number of a journal, or in rare instances, a book.
In Citations: The <issue> element is also used in bibliographic references (<element-citation> and <mixed-citation>) where it indicates the issue in which the cited material was published.
It an article was published in a joint issue “Iss. 2-3”, both issue numbers should be placed into a single <issue> element: <issue>1-2</issue>.
<!ELEMENT issue (#PCDATA %issue-elements;)* >
Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more
<element-citation>, <mixed-citation>, <nlm-citation>, <product>, <related-article>, <related-object>
In an element-style bibliographic reference (punctuation and spacing removed):
<element-citation publication-type="journal" publication-format="print">
<name><surname>Llanos De La Torre Quiralte</surname>
<name><surname>Garijo Ayestaran</surname>
<name><surname>Poch Olive</surname>
<article-title xml:lang="es">Evolucion de la mortalidad
infantil de La Rioja (1980-1998)</article-title>
<trans-title xml:lang="en">Evolution of the infant
mortality rate in la Rioja in Spain
<source>An Esp Pediatr</source>
<comment>Figura 3, Tendencia de mortalidad infantil
[Figure 3, Trends in infant mortality]; p. 418.
In a mixed-style bibliographic reference (punctuation and spacing preserved):
<mixed-citation publication-type="journal" publication-format="print">
<string-name><surname>Llanos De La Torre Quiralte</surname>
<string-name><surname>Garijo Ayestaran</surname>
<string-name><surname>Poch Olive</surname>
<article-title xml:lang="es">Evolucion de la mortalidad
infantil de La Rioja (1980-1998)</article-title>
[<trans-title xml:lang="en">Evolution of the infant
mortality rate in la Rioja in Spain
<source>An Esp Pediatr</source>. <year>2001</year>
<fpage>413</fpage>-<lpage>420</lpage>. Figura 3, Tendencia
de mortalidad infantil [Figure 3, Trends in infant
mortality]; p. 418. Spanish.</mixed-citation>