DTD, XSD, and RNG Downloads
The Article Authoring Tag Set is available in three forms: an XML Document Type Definition
(DTD); a W3C XML Schema (XSD); and a RELAX NG Schema (RNG). Each of these is available in two
- a zipped file that contains the “live” version of the schema (often in
multiple files), and
- a readable/browsable version in which the internal markup has been escaped. (This version
is easy to look at in a browser, but cannot be used to create or validate documents.)
Click here for each of these files:
- Live/usable versions of the Article Authoring Tag Set schemas:
- Readable/browsable version of the Article Authoring Tag Set DTDs:
JATS-articleauthoring0.dtd — the top level of the Article Authoring
Tag Set
JATS-articleauthcustom-modules0.ent — defines the external modules
specific to the Article Authoring Tag Set (except itself)
JATS-modules0.ent — defines the external modules in the Archiving and
Interchange Suite (except itself)
JATS-articleauthcustom-classes0.ent — sets up parameter entities used
to override default element classes
JATS-default-classes0.ent — sets up parameter entities naming element
JATS-articleauthcustom-mixes0.ent — sets up parameter entities used to
override default mixes (groupings made of “classes”)
JATS-default-mixes0.en — sets up parameter entities naming element
mixes (groupings made of “classes”)
JATS-articleauthcustom-models0.ent — sets up parameter entities used
to override default content model parameter entities set elsewhere in the Suite
JATS-common0.ent — declares basic elements, attributes, entities, and
notations used throughout the Suite
JATS-articlemeta0.ent — declares metadata elements used to describe a
journal article
JATS-backmatter0.ent — declares elements considered to be ancillary
material such as appendices or reference lists
JATS-display0.ent — declares display-related elements, such as figures
or chemical expressions
JATS-format0.ent — declares elements concerned with rendering output
for print or online
JATS-funding0.ent — declares elements for grant, sponsorship, or other
funding information
JATS-link0.ent — declares elements used as links (internal or
JATS-list0.ent — declares elements used in lists (except bibliographic
reference lists)
JATS-math0.ent — declares elements such as display equations
JATS-nlmcitation0.ent — adds the NLM-structured bibliographic citation
JATS-para0.ent — declares structural, non-display elements that may
appear in the same places as a paragraph
JATS-phrase0.ent — declares phrase elements, that is, inline,
subject-specific elements
JATS-references0.ent — declares bibliographic reference
JATS-related-object0.ent — defines the container element for text
links to a related object
JATS-section0.ent — declares all section-level elements
JATS-mathmlsetup0.ent — invokes the MathML modules
mathml2.dtd — the Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 2.0 Tag
mathml2-qname-1.mod — declares parameter entities to support
namespace-qualified names, namespace declarations, and name prefixing for MathML
mmlextra.ent — used for MathML processing.
mmlalias.ent — used for MathML processing.
JATS-XHTMLtablesetup0.ent — sets parameter entities needed by the
XHTML Tables Module and invokes the XHTML Tables Module.
xhtml-table-1.mod — the public XML DTD version of the XHTML Tables
xhtml-inlstyle-1.mod — declares the attribute supporting inline style
markup for elements within XHTML tables
JATS-oasis-tablesetup0.ent — sets parameter entities needed by the
OASIS (CALS) Exchange table model and invokes the model (Historical Note: Not used in the
current Authoring Tag Set)
oasis-exchange.ent — the OASIS (CALS) Exchange table model (Historical
Note: Not used in the current Authoring Tag Set)
xmlspecJATS-chars0.ent — declares and invokes Standard ISO XML special
character entity sets
JATS-chars0.ent — declares custom special character entities created
for use in this Tag Set
JATS-notat0.ent — the notation declarations used with this
isolat1.ent — the ISO Standard Added Latin 1 letters entity set
isolat2.ent — the ISO Standard Added Latin 2 letters entity set
isobox.ent — the ISO Box and Line Drawing symbols entity set
isodia.ent — the ISO Standard Diacritical Marks entity set
isonum.ent — the ISO Standard Numeric and Special Graphic symbols
entity set
isopub.ent — the ISO Standard Publishing symbols entity set
isocyr1.ent — the ISO Standard Russian Cyrillic letters entity
isocyr2.ent — the ISO Standard Non-Russian Cyrillic letters entity
isogrk1.ent — the ISO Standard Greek letters entity set
isogrk2.ent — the ISO Standard Monotoniko Greek letters entity
isogrk3.ent — the ISO Standard Greek letters entity set
isogrk4.ent — the ISO Standard Alternative Greek symbols entity
isotech.ent — the ISO Standard General Technical symbols entity
isoamsa.ent — the ISO Standard Added Math Symbols (Arrow Relations)
entity set
isoamsb.ent — the ISO Standard Added Math Symbols (Binary Operators)
entity set
isoamsc.ent — the ISO Standard Added Math Symbols (Delimiters) entity
isoamsn.ent — the ISO Standard Added Math Symbols (Negated Relations)
entity set
isoamso.ent — the ISO Standard Added Math Symbols (Ordinary) entity
isoamsr.ent — the ISO Standard Added Math Symbols (Relations) entity
isomscr.ent — the ISO Standard Math Alphabets (Script) entity
isomfrk.ent — the ISO Standard Math Alphabets (Fraktur) entity
isomopf.ent — the ISO Standard Math Alphabets (Open Face) entity
- Readable/browsable version of the Article Authoring Tag Set XSD:
- Readable/browsable version of the Authoring Tag Set RNG: