
Affiliation Alternatives

Container element to hold two or more representations of a single affiliation (for example, the name of a university in two or more languages such as both German and English).


Best Practice: When it is present, this container element should take the @id that is used to tie contributors to affiliations rather than putting an @id on the individual affiliations (<aff>s) within the container.

Usage: The <aff-alternatives> element is intended to collect multiple versions of a single affiliation without appearing to multiply the number of affiliations. (Three versions of a university is not the same as three different universities.) Like the similar construction for graphics <alternatives>, it will be up to an application how multiple versions of a single affiliation are to be processed. The @xml:lang attributes can be used to distinguish the different affiliations for separate processing.

The <aff-alternatives> element can be used to record:


id Identifier

Related Elements

Like the very similar element <name-alternatives> which encloses two or more variants of a person’s name, this element encloses two or more variants of an affiliation (<aff>).

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  aff-alternatives
                        %aff-alternatives-model;                     >

Expanded Content Model



<aff> Affiliation, one or more

This element may be contained in:

<collab>, <contrib>, <person-group>


An affilation name in Japanese and English

<contrib rid="aff1">
<aff id="aff1"> 
<institution xml:lang="ja-Jpan">国立言語学博物館</institution>
<aff id="aff-en">
<institution xml:lang="en">National Museum of 


