Specifies distinctions in the applicability of a particular element.
This Tag Set does not limit the uses of the @specific-use attribute. For example, @specific-use could be used to mark content (such as a paragraph, note, or section) that:
No particular processing or display is promised by the values of this attribute; it is up to the users’ application to make any appropriate display versions. This attribute can be used to create some of the old SGML functionality of using Marked Sections within text.
Best Practice: This attribute is not used to make semantic distinctions, the attribute @content-type is more appropriate to tell, for example, “skeletal” system material, “circulatory” system material, and “lymphatic” system material, or “legal” material from “engineering” material. The @specific-use attribute is used to make usage or processing distinctions, for example,audience or sorting distinctions. The attributes can be used together, for example,to mark “ content-type="dosage" specific-use="for-the-patient" ”. The attribute can also be used in combination with the @xml:lang attribute to indicate, for example, that a name given in a second language is a transliteration of the primary name. This attribute is not appropriate for differences in appearance; the element <styled-content> is typically better for that use. Nor should this attribute be used to record lifecycle or version distinctions.
Value | Meaning |
Text, numbers, or special characters | A specific distinction in the applicability of a particular element, for example, “print-only” |
Restriction: This attribute may be specified if the element is used. |