This section describes each element in the Authoring Tag Set. Although the elements are declared in many different modules, they are described here in alphabetical order of their tag names (i.e., element type names). The tag name is the shorter machine-readable name used in tagged documents, DTD fragments and schemas, and by software; for example, the tag name <p> is used for the element named Paragraph.
Each element is described by a separate HTML page, where the heading for the page displays the element’s tag name followed by its longer descriptive name. The rest of the element description page discusses aspects of the element and its usage. These sections within the page always appear in the following order although any given element page may not contain all the sections:
Definition |
Provides a narrative description of the element, that is, it “defines” the element and may provide information on its usage. This is not intended to be a formal dictionary definition, but more to provide information about an element and how it may be used. |
Remarks |
Provides additional information about the element, explanations of similar or contrasting elements, or instructions for element usage. (See also Related Elements described below.) Conversion Notes are explicit and sometimes very technical instructions to people who are mapping between documents tagged according to this Tag Set and those tagged according to other tag sets or who are building conversion software to convert between another tag set and one written from this Suite. These notes may be more technical than a general reader will need to worry about. Technical Notes are explicit and sometimes very technical instructions to people who are mapping between documents tagged according to this Tag Set and those tagged according to other tag sets or who are building conversion software to convert between another tag set and one written from this Suite. These notes may be more technical than a general reader will need to worry about. Authoring Notes are usage instructions aimed at persons writing or editing journal articles according to a tag set written from this Suite. Implementor’s Notes are instructions written to persons creating or maintaining DTDs or schemas based on the Suite. |
Attributes |
For an element that may take attributes, this segment contains an alphabetical list of those attributes. Each line contains the identification for one attribute: first, the attribute’s name as it appears in the Tag Set, then a longer, more descriptive name. Each attribute is linked to its description in the Attribute Section, which follows the Element Description Section in this Tag Library. |
Related Elements |
Contains information about elements associated with the current element. For example, a Definition List has many components: an optional title, possibly headers for both the term and definition columns, and multiple container elements, each containing a single term and its definition. In order to better understand the relationship of such components, information about all of them will be provided in the Related Elements segment for each element comprising a Definition List. |
Content Model |
Contains a copy of the element’s declaration in XML syntax, i.e., the “content” of the element. This may contain parameters entities, of the form “%name;”, which often stand in for commonly-used lists of elements. Users not familiar with formal XML (DTD) syntax will likely prefer the “Expanded Content Model” or the “Description”. |
Expanded Content Model |
Contains a copy of the element’s declaration in XML syntax, i.e., the “content” of the element with all parameter entities expanded to their ultimate values. This shows directly all the elements that the described element can contain, and in what combination. |
Description |
The description is an English-language explanation of the “content” of the element, that is, what is allowed to be inside the element. This content description contains the same information in plain English that the two Content Models provide in XML syntax. For example, an element may contain only text (“text, numbers, or special characters”), other elements (for example, a title followed by a paragraph), or both text and other elements in some combination. If an element contains other elements, their names are listed here. |
May Be Contained In |
The Tag Library contains a complete context table that provides information about where each element can be used. This segment contains the portion of the context table relevant to the element being discussed. This alphabetical listing of all elements which may contain the element under discussion (where an element may be used) is the inverse of the model description, which lists what can be inside the named element. |
Tagged Example |
This portion of the element description page provides an excerpt of a tagged XML document, showing use of the current element. Usually an element is shown in context, with its surrounding elements, and the current element is highlighted in bold. |
Module (Implementor Information) |
Names the base Suite module or Authoring Tag Set module in which the element is defined. If an element is defined only in the base Suite, the base module name is given. In those instances in which this Tag Set overrides the Suite’s declaration for an element, the name of the Tag-Set-specific override module is given instead. |