List in which each item consists of two parts: 1) a word, phrase, term, graphic, chemical structure, or equation, that is paired with 2) one or more descriptions, discussions, explanations, or definitions of it.
The definition <def> part of an item in a two-part (definition) list need not be a “definition” in the strict dictionary sense of that word. Such a definition could be a discussion, explanation, expansion, or something that tells the reader about the <term>. When a <def-list> is within a <glossary> element, the definitions are assumed to be real definitions.
<!ELEMENT def-list %def-list-model; >
(title?, term-head?, def-head?, def-item+)
The following, in order:
<app>, <bio>, <body>, <boxed-text>, <chem-struct>, <fig>, <glossary>, <license-p>, <named-content>, <p>, <sec>, <styled-content>, <table-wrap>, <td>, <th>
<def-item><term id="G1">PAP I</term>
<def><p>poly(A)polymerase I</p></def>
<term id="G2">PNPase</term>
<def><p>polynucleotide phosphorylase</p></def>