Names the type of journal identifier or the authority that created a particular journal identifier.
Value | Meaning |
Text, numbers, or special characters | Word or phrase that identifies the organization or service who assigned the identifier (for example, “ index ” to indicate an abstracting or indexing service) or names the type of identifier (for example, “ doi ”) |
Restriction: This attribute may be specified if the element is used. |
Although designed to accept any text as its value, the following are suggested journal identifier types for this attribute:
archive |
Identifier assigned by an archive or other repository for articles |
aggregator |
Identifier assigned by a data aggregator |
doaj |
Directory of Open Access Journals |
doi |
Digital Object Identifier for the entire journal, not just for the article (rare) |
index |
Identifier assigned by an abstracting or indexing service |
issn |
International Standard Serial Number for a journal (This value is generally used when referring to related articles.) |
nlm-ta |
Identifier assigned by PubMed, typically an abbreviated journal title such as “Mol Biol Cell”, “Nucleic Acids Res”, etc |
pmc |
Identifier assigned by PubMed Central, for example, typically a PubMed Central journal abbreviation such as “pnas”, “mbc”, “nar”, or “molcellb”, etc. |
publisher-id |
Identifier assigned by the content publisher, for example, “MOLEC” or “MOLCEL” |