Song, poem, or verse.
Design Note: No attempt has been made to retain the look or visual form of the original poetry.
<!ELEMENT verse-group %verse-group-model; >
(title?, subtitle?, verse-line+, attrib?, permissions?)
The following, in order:
<app>, <bio>, <body>, <boxed-text>, <fig>, <license-p>, <named-content>, <p>, <sec>, <styled-content>, <table-wrap>
<title>Buy or Lease?<break/>
Two Models for Scholarly Information<break/>
at the End (or the Beginning) of an Era</title>
<verse-line>Some say the world will end in fire,</verse-line>
<verse-line>Some say in ice.</verse-line>
<verse-line>From what I’ve tasted of desire</verse-line>
<verse-line>I hold with those who favor fire.</verse-line>
<verse-line>But if it had to perish twice,</verse-line>
<verse-line>I think I know enough of hate</verse-line>
<verse-line>To say that for destruction ice</verse-line>
<verse-line>Is also great</verse-line>
<verse-line>And would suffice.</verse-line>
<attrib>—Robert Frost “Fire and Ice”</attrib>
<p>Within living memory, our use of print (static) information has been
governed by copyright law and the practices that have evolved around it.
Enter electronic information, where publishers deliver it with licenses and
new rules, a very different framework from copyright....</p>
<title>A Cradle Song</title>
<verse-line>Sweet dreams, form a shade</verse-line>
<verse-line>O’er my lovely infant’s head;</verse-line>
<verse-line>Sweet dreams of pleasant streams</verse-line>
<verse-line>By happy, silent, moony beams.</verse-line>
<verse-line>Sweet sleep, with soft down</verse-line>
<verse-line>Weave thy brows an infant crown.</verse-line>
<verse-line>Sweep sleep, Angel mild,</verse-line>
<verse-line>Hover o’er my happy child.</verse-line>
<attrib>William Blake</attrib>