In both <element-citation> and <mixed-citation> citations, it is best practice to tag the title
of the cited work and (for smaller works such as journal articles and chapters) the title of
the source (such as the journal or the book) in which the work was published. There are other
titles that a publisher or archive may choose to tag within a citation.
Titles found in journals citations include:
- For a cited journal article, tag the article title using <article-title> and the journal title using <source>.
- Translations of the article title may be tagged using <trans-title>.
- Translations of the journal title may be tagged using <trans-source>.
- For a cited journal that is a special issue, the issue title may be tagged using
Titles found in citations to books, reports, and standards include:
- For a cited book that is composed of articles, tag the article title using <article-title> and the book title using <source>.
- For a cited monograph-style book, tag the book title using <source>.
- If the book or report is divided into chapters, the chapter title may be recorded using
- Translations of the book title may be tagged using <trans-source> element.
- For a cited book that is a special issue and has an issue title as well as a book title,
the issue title may be tagged using <issue-title> and the book title using <source>.
- When books are divided into parts, which may then contain smaller units such as chapters
or modules, the <part-title> element can be used
to record the title of the cited Part and the book title using <source>.