Tagging Book or Product Reviews

In tagging a book or product review, there are two parts to the material to be captured:

All information in <article-meta>, other than within the <product> element, describes the review article itself, not the book (or other product) being reviewed. While the text below primarily describes a book or product review, reviews for software, websites, journal articles, issues of journals, laboratory or electronic equipment, DVDs, or other things can be tagged similarly.

Identifying the Review

On the <article> element, the @article-type attribute should identify the article as a product review, with a value such as “ book-review ”, “ software-review ”, etc. (Best Practice: An article that reviews research findings in a particular domain should be tagged article-type="review-article".)

Titles in Reviews

The title of the object being reviewed is tagged inside <product>, typically as a <source> element, but using other elements as appropriate. (See Titles in Citations.)

There are several common styles of article title (<article-title>) for reviews. The title of the article may be:

  • The book or product title such as Moby Dick,
  • A generic phrase such as “Book Reviews”,
  • A generic phrase such as “Book Reviews:” followed by the title of the book or product (“Recent Reviews: Moby Dick ”), or
  • A descriptive or catchy title concerning the book or product (“Whale of a Tale”).

Even if the title of the article is the same as the title of the book, that information is recorded in two different places, once as the <article-title> in the article metadata and once as the <source> inside <product>.

Author(s) of the Article and Book

The author of the review should be tagged as the author of the article (<contrib>). The authors of the product being reviewed should be included only within <product>, using <name>, <person-group>, or <string-name> as appropriate. For more guidance, see Tagging Names in Citations. Since <product> element has textual content, it is very like a <mixed-citation>, and the same type of considerations apply.

Metadata for Reviewed Object

In many book or product reviews, the <product> element commonly includes:

The attribute @product-type names the type of product being reviewed, for example, “ book ”, “ software ”, “ article ” (journal article), “ issue ” (journal issue), “ website ”, “ film ”.

Best Practice: Since the metadata specified within the <product> element applies to the book or product being reviewed, information concerning other products (for example, products the author might mention for comparison to the primary product), should not be mentioned within the <product> element, but only in the actual body of the review.

Sample Reviews

<article article-type="product-review" dtd-version="0.4" xml:lang="en"
<article-title>Software package solves everything</article-title>
<given-names>Wendell A.</given-names>
<given-names>Abelard Q.</given-names>
<publisher-name>Venusian Codewrights, Inc.</publisher-name>
<p>A software review</p>
<p>This program will answer all your genome questions. It
searches the Web for genetic information of all kinds,
correlates it with all other information available anywhere,
and reports all functions of a particular genome segment
in all known species. And, it&rsquo;s only $3.95.</p>


<article article-type="book-review" dtd-version="0.4" xml:lang="en"
xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" >
<article-title>New book walks you through Washington&rsquo;s
<given-names>Tonya R.</given-names>
<given-names>Deborah A.</given-names>
<given-names>B. Tommie</given-names>
<source>Wildflowers of the Washington Area</source>
<publisher-name>Lippman, Ltd.</publisher-name>
<publisher-loc>Bethesda, MD</publisher-loc>
<isbn>0-23-8675-309</isbn>, includes a CD-ROM,
<price>$19.95</price> (Used 12.50 when available)
<p>A glowing book review</p>
<p>A must read. Far better than
<source>Politics, Poetics, and Wildflowers, Illustrated</source>


Reviews in Citations

When a review is cited in a bibliography, the @publication-type attribute on the <element-citation> or <mixed-citation> element should be used to distinguish it: publication-type="review"

When a brief review is provided for a book or article as part of a bibliographic citation (within an <element-citation> or <mixed-citation>), the text is not tagged as a review or as a product, but should instead be tagged as an <annotation>.