
Book Part Wrapper

A wrapper element used to exchange a book part such as a chapter (<book-part>).


content-type Type of Content
dtd-version Version of the Tag Set (DTD)
from-where From Where
id Identifier
specific-use Specific Use
xmlns:mml MathML Namespace Declaration
xmlns:xlink XLink Namespace Declaration
xmlns:xsi XML Schema Namespace Declaration
xml:lang Language

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  book-part-wrapper
                        %book-part-wrapper-model;                    >

Expanded Content Model

(collection-meta*, book-meta, (book-part | app | app-group | floats-group | index | index-group | ref-list | front-matter-part | foreword | preface | notes | ack | bio | dedication | fn-group | glossary | toc | toc-group))


The following, in order:

This top-level element may not be contained in any other elements.

