
Abbreviated Journal Title

Short form of the title of the journal in which an article is published.


Many publishers and archives keep an authority file of approved journal title abbreviations. The @abbrev-type attribute may be used to hold the name of the authority (if known) that defined this particular abbreviation. For example, “ nlm-ta ” for the NLM title abbreviation or “ publisher ” for an abbreviation defined by a publisher such as Elsevier, Wiley, or Blackwell.

More than one abbreviated title may be provided for any given article, possibly using different authorities to determine the abbreviations.


abbrev-type Type of Journal Title Abbreviation
specific-use Specific Use
xml:lang Language

Related Elements

For some archives, the journal identifier <journal-id> may also contain an abbreviation of the journal title, used as an identification code. It is not considered an error if the <journal-id> element repeats the abbreviated title as given in this element.

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  abbrev-journal-title
                        (#PCDATA %abbrev-journal-title-elements;)*   >

Expanded Content Model



Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more

This element may be contained in:



<journal-id journal-id-type="pmc">pnas</journal-id>
<abbrev-journal-title abbrev-type="nlm-ta">Proc Natl
Acad Sci USA</abbrev-journal-title>
<abbrev-journal-title abbrev-type="publisher">PNA
<publisher-name>The National Academy of


