Reduced set of metadata for use in <sub-article> and <response>, both of which are contained within an article. Any metadata not explicitly tagged in the front-stub is inherited from <article-meta> in the enclosing article.
Usage: A front stub is used when a publisher or archive chooses not to repeat all the article metadata (journal metadata, issue metadata, etc.) for an embedded component, but assigns a sub-article that metadata (such as title, first page, and possibly contributor) that is particular to it and is not shared with the main article. The assumption is that the sub-articles will inherit any metadata from <article-meta> in the enclosing article that is not defined in the <front-stub>.
In this Tag Set, the possible metadata elements for the <front-stub> is very nearly the same as the possible metadata elements for the entire article (<article-meta> inside <article>). The two are so similar because, while the metadata for the stub will almost always contain many fewer elements, this Tag Set does not wish to predict which elements a given publisher or archive will leave out. It is a business decision how much metadata to place in a sub-article.
The difference between the two is that everything is optional in <front-stub>, since it is expected to be a small subset, while the metadata for the full article (<article-meta>) requires the elements <article-title> and <pub-date>.
<!ELEMENT front-stub %front-stub-model; >
(article-id*, article-categories?, title-group?, (contrib-group | aff | aff-alternatives)*, author-notes?, pub-date*, volume?, volume-id*, volume-series?, issue?, issue-id*, issue-title*, issue-sponsor*, issue-part?, isbn*, supplement?, ((fpage, lpage?, page-range?) | elocation-id)?, (email | ext-link | uri | product | supplementary-material)*, history?, permissions?, self-uri*, (related-article | related-object)*, abstract*, trans-abstract*, kwd-group*, funding-group*, conference*, counts?, custom-meta-group?)
The following, in order:
As part of a sub-article:
<article xmlns:xlink=""
<journal-id journal-id-type="nlm-ta">J Athl Train</journal-id>
<journal-title>Journal of Athletic Training</journal-title>
<issn pub-type="ppub">1062-6050</issn>
<sub-article article-type="article-commentary">
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<given-names>Susan E.</given-names>
<aff>Susan E. Kirk, MD, is Assistant Professor in Internal
Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Endocrinology
and Metabolism, University of Virginia Health System,
Charlottesville, VA.</aff>
As part of a response:
<article article-type="discussion" xmlns:xlink="">
<journal-id journal-id-type="nlm-ta">BMJ</journal-id>
<journal-id journal-id-type="publisher-id">BR MED J</journal-id>
<journal-title>BMJ : British Medical Journal</journal-title>
<issn pub-type="ppub">0959-8138</issn>
<issn pub-type="epub">1468-5833</issn>
<publisher-name>British Medical Journal</publisher-name>
<response response-type="discussion">
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<role>general practitioner</role>
<aff>33 Goffs Park Road, Crawley, West Sussex RH11 8AX</aff>