NISO Z39.96-201x

7 Journal Publishing Tag Set • 7.5 Attributes

7.5.50 @id Identifier

Unique identifier of an element; allows element to be cross-referenced. Value must be unique across a document, not just for an element type.

In element <target>, this attribute must be used if the element is used.
Value Meaning
An XML identifier (ID) A unique identifier for the element. XML parsers can verify that an element pointing to one of these is pointing to a valid ID.
In elements <abbrev>, <abstract>, <ack>, <address>, <aff>, <aff-alternatives>, <alt-text>, <app>, <app-group>, <array>, <article-title>, <attrib>, <author-comment>, <author-notes>, <award-group>, <bio>, <boxed-text>, <caption>, <chem-struct>, <chem-struct-wrap>, <col>, <colgroup>, <collab>, <compound-kwd>, <compound-subject>, <contrib>, <contrib-group>, <corresp>, <custom-meta>, <def>, <def-item>, <def-list>, <disp-formula>, <disp-formula-group>, <disp-quote>, <element-citation>, <ext-link>, <fig>, <fig-group>, <fn>, <fn-group>, <funding-source>, <glossary>, <glyph-data>, <graphic>, <inline-formula>, <inline-graphic>, <inline-supplementary-material>, <institution>, <kwd>, <kwd-group>, <list>, <list-item>, <long-desc>, <media>, <milestone-end>, <milestone-start>, <mixed-citation>, <mml:math>, <named-content>, <nlm-citation>, <note>, <notes>, <p>, <person-group>, <preformat>, <product>, <ref>, <ref-list>, <related-article>, <related-object>, <response>, <sec>, <sig>, <sig-block>, <source>, <speech>, <statement>, <sub-article>, <subject>, <supplementary-material>, <table>, <table-wrap>, <table-wrap-group>, <tbody>, <td>, <term>, <tex-math>, <tfoot>, <th>, <thead>, <title>, <tr>, <trans-abstract>, <trans-source>, <trans-title>, <trans-title-group>, <verse-group>, and <xref>, this attribute may be used if the element is used.
Value Meaning
An XML identifier (ID) A unique identifier for the element. XML parsers can verify that an element pointing to one of these is pointing to a valid ID.