NISO Z39.96-201x

7 Journal Publishing Tag Set • 7.5 Attributes

7.5.86 @ref-type Type of Cross-Reference

Identifies the type of element that is the target of the cross-reference (for example, figure, author-note, bibliographic reference). The values may be used for type-specific processing or validation.

In element <xref>, this attribute may be used if the element is used.
Value Meaning
aff Affiliation
app Appendix
author-notes Author notes
bibr Bibliographic reference (typically to a <ref> element, but it may point to a <element-citation> or <mixed-citation> if there are multiple citations inside the <ref> element).
boxed-text Textbox or sidebar
chem Chemical structure (to a <chem-struct> or <chem-struct-wrap> element)
contrib Contributor
corresp Corresponding author
disp-formula Display formula
fig Figure or group of figures (to a <fig> or <fig-group> element)
fn Footnote
kwd Keyword
list List or list item (to a <list> or <list-item> element; also, possibly to a <def-list> or <def-item> element)
other None of the items listed
plate Plate
scheme Scheme
sec Section
statement Statement
supplementary-material Supplementary information
table Table or group of tables (to a <table-wrap> or <table-wrap-group> element)
table-fn Table footnote