NISO Z39.96-201x

6 Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Set • 6.5 Attributes

6.5.43 @fn-type Type of Footnote

Identifies the type of information conveyed in the footnote (for example, contributor’s current affiliation, financial disclosure statement, reprint information).

There are many reasons why the text or metadata of an article might be footnoted. Where those reasons are known (for example, the reasons are listed in the suggested values list below), this attribute can preserve that information. This could be a means of preserving, for example, that a contributor is on a leave of absence.

In element <fn>, this attribute may be used if the element is used.
Value Meaning
Text, numbers, or special characters The type of footnote, where the publisher or archive has given the footnote a named type such as corresp to indicate a corresponding author footnote