NISO Z39.96-201x


(This foreword is not part of the standard NISO Z39.96-201x, JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite. It is included for information only.)

About This Standard

The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI; of the National Library of Medicine (NLM; originally created the Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Suite with the intent of providing a common format in which publishers and archives could exchange journal content.

The Tag Suite was developed in response to a Document Type Definition (DTD) used by the NCBI/NLM PubMed Central project to archive life science journals from a variety of sources. Input and support from Harvard University Libraries, as well as support from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and collaboration with Inera, Inc. and Mulberry Technologies, Inc., allowed the scope of the project to be broadened and resulted in the NLM Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Suite.

Changes to the Tag Suite have always been user-driven. User-suggested changes are collected and discussed by the Working Group who decide on action. The intent is to put this standard under continuous maintenance, and allow the standard to continue to change based on user comment.

This standard (now named JATS) is a revision of the NLM Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Suite version 3.0. There will never be an NLM version 3.1, this NISO standard is the intellectual successor and the version numbers will now start at NISO JATS 1.0 (this draft is 0.4). In addition to the element and attribute descriptions, three journal article tag sets (the Archiving and Interchange Tag Set, the Journal Publishing Tag Set, and the Article Authoring Tag Set) have been provided as part of the standard.

Trademarks, Service Marks

Wherever used in this recommended practice, all terms that are trademarks or service marks are and remain the property of their respective owners.

NISO Voting Members

At the time this standard was balloted, the following NISO voting members of the NISO Z39.96 voting pool:

[to be added after ballot approval]

NISO Board of Directors

At the time NISO approved this standard, the following individuals served on its Board of Directors:

[to be added after ballot approval]

Content and Collection Management Topic Committee

At the time this Draft Standard was approved for trial use, the following were members of the Content and Collection Management Topic Committee that had oversight for the project:

Julia Blixrud, Co-Chair
Association of Research Libraries
Betty Landesman
NIH Library
Eva Bolkovac
Yale University Library
Bonnie Lawlor
National Federation of Advance Information Services
Diane Hillmann
Syracuse University
Rice Majors, Co-Chair
University of Colorado at Boulder
Marjorie Hlava
Access Innovations
Anne O’Melia
American Chemical Society
Rebecca Kennison
Columbia University

NISO Standardized Journal Article Markup Working Group Members

The following individuals served on the NISO Standardized Journal Article Markup Working Group, which developed and approved this standard:

Jeff Beck, Co-chair
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), U.S. National Library of Medicine
John Meyer
Thomas Dowling
Evan Owens
American Institute of Physics
Beth Friedman
Data Conversion Laboratory, Inc. (DCL)
Wendy Queen
Johns Hopkins University Press
Kathryn Henniss
Highwire Press
Bruce Rosenblum
Laura Kelly
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), U.S. National Library of Medicine
Nate Trail
Library of Congress
Deborah A. Lapeyre
Mulberry Technologies, Inc.
B. Tommie Usdin, Co-chair
Mulberry Technologies, Inc.
Nikos Markantonatos
Atypon Systems, Inc.
Alex Wade