
Document Back Matter Elements

Elements used inside the back matter (element <back>) of an article to describe ancillary material such as an appendix


Historical Note: This parameter entity (%doc-back-matter-mix;) was significantly remodeled for NLM 3.0. The current JATS values are backwards compatible with NLM 3.0 but not with earlier versions. Specifically, in prior versions the %doc-back-matter-mix; parameter entity included the %sec-level; parameter entity, which has been replaced by the %sec.class; parameter entity. This change has no effect on compatibility unless the Tag Set has been customized though the use of the parameter entity.

Content Model

<!ENTITY % doc-back-matter-mix
                        "%back.class; | %front-back.class; |
                         %sec.class;"                                >

Expanded Content Model

ack | app-group | bio | fn-group | glossary | ref-list | notes | sec

