
Question Wrap

Used to model a Question/Answer scheme. These questions may be used, for example, for the Continuing Medical Education articles in a book of articles. The model allows for simple questions followed by their corresponding answers or for a multiple choice setup, where questions are followed by multiple alternative answers, along with the correct answer and an explanation.


Design Note: This is not the model for a full quiz, test, exam, etc., but such a model could be built using these components for the question/answers.


audience Audience for the Question
content-type Type of Content
id Document Internal Identifier
specific-use Specific Use
xml:base Base

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  question-wrap
                        %question-wrap-model;                        >

Expanded Content Model

((object-id)*, question, (answer | answer-set)?, explanation*)


The following, in order:

This element may be contained in:

<abstract>, <ack>, <answer>, <app>, <app-group>, <bio>, <body>, <boxed-text>, <disp-quote>, <glossary>, <index>, <index-div>, <index-group>, <named-book-part-body>, <notes>, <question>, <ref-list>, <sec>, <td>, <th>, <toc>, <toc-div>, <toc-entry>, <toc-group>, <trans-abstract>

Example 1

Multiple choice style question:

<sec id="sec45">
<question><p>Where was the first permanent English 
settlement in the New World?</p></question>
<answer-set answer-type="multiple-choice">
<answer correct="no">
<answer correct="yes">
<answer correct="no">
<p>Established by the Virginia Company of London, Jamestown 
was the first permanent English settlement in the New World; 
it flourished from 1607 to 1699.  Although the Roanoke colony 
was founded earlier (in 1587), that colony failed; upon returning 
from a trip to England for supplies, its Governor found the 
settlement abandoned.  Although one of the earliest New England 
colonies, Plymouth (in modern Massachusetts) was not founded 
by the Pilgrims until 1620.</p>


Example 2

True-False style question:

<sec id="sec45">
<question><p>Peregrine White was the first English 
child born in North America.</p></question>
<answer-set answer-type="true-false">
<answer correct="no">
<answer correct="yes">
<p>The first English child born in North America was 
Virginia Dare.  She was born in August 1587, in the 
short-lived colony of Roanoke.  Although the settlement 
was later abandoned and the fate of its inhabitants a 
mystery, records brought to England by her grandfather, 
the governor of the colony, later in 1587 note her birth 
and baptism.  Born in November 1620, Peregrine White 
was the first child born in the Plymouth colony.</p>