
Type of Answer(s) to be Given to the Question

Used to mark a question as taking a particular type of answer or set of answers, for example, “multiple-choice” or “essay”.

Used on Element: <question>

essayThe answer to this question requires a longer written answer from the student.
fill-in-the-blankThe answer to this question is a medium-length written answer, typically a phrase or sentence.
multi-selectThere are several option choices presented as responses to this question, and the student must select one or more.
multiple-choiceThere are several option choices presented as responses to this question, and the student must select one.
short-answerThe answer to this question is a short-length written answer, typically a word or very short phrase or sentence.
true-falseFor the answer to this question, the student must choose between “true” and “false”.
Restriction@question-response-type is an optional attribute; there is no default.

Example 1

<question id="q2" question-response-type="multiple-choice">
<p>Where was the first permanent English
settlement in the New World?</p>
<option correct="no">
<option correct="yes" id="q2b">

Example 2

<question id="q3" question-response-type="true-false">
<p>Peregrine White was the first English child born in 
North America.</p>
<answer pointer-to-question="q3" id="ans3"><p>False</p></answer>
<explanation pointer-to-explained="ans3">...</explanation>