NCBI Logo NLM Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Suite NLM Logo

Tag Suite Home
Version 1.1
Changes to the Entire Suite
Tag Sets

Version 1.1

[Updated versions of the Tag Suite have been released. Current version information is available here.]

Version 1.1 of the Journal Archiving and Interchange DTD is a fully backward compatible revision of the Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Suite. That is, all documents that were valid according to version 1.0 of the Tag Sets will also be valid according to version 1.1.

The Tag Suite was changed based on experience using the Tag Sets. Some users have been converting articles tagged according to other DTDs into Archiving and Interchange articles and found that they had to lose information (such as semantic identification of some sections) in the transformation. The changes to the Tag Suite are largely to allow preservation of such information.

W3C XML Schemas Available

In addition to DTDs, W3C XML Schemas are now available for each Tag Set. These are intended to be used with XML tools that cannot read DTDs but the schemas are not intended for maintenance.

Changes to the Entire Suite

Tag Sets

These Tag Sets are availble in version 1.1:

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Last updated: September 14, 2012