Version 2.1
[Updated versions of the Tag Suite have been released. Current version information is available here.]
Version 2.1 was released on November 14, 2005. Following is a list of updates.
The files for Version 2.1 are available:
by anonymous FTP:
on the web: articleauthoring.dtd
The Tag Library for version 2.1 is here:
The Authoring Tag Set was created version 2.1 of the Tag Suite, so it began life as Version 2.1. The Authoring Tag Set is tighter and more prescriptive than any of the other Tag Sets as it was intended to make a smaller, more manageable subset of the elements for use in an XML editor.
Modeling related to the Suite changes discussed in this report include:
Permissions —The new <permissions> element was placed in the parameter entity %display-back-matter.class; but, since there is not backlog of tagged document to consider, the <copyright> element was not.
Order in Display Back Matter — A new parameter entity %display-back-matter; was created that has the same contents as the display back matter class, but in sequential order. This new entity was used instead of the class in all sequential uses of %display-back-matter.class;, for example, inside Figure.
List TypesThe Suite default for the “list-type” attribute is CDATA, with a list of suggested values. The Authoring Tag Set has reduced the types to a specified set: “bullet | order | simple”.
Translated Title — is not used in the Authoring Tag Set.
A Frequently Asked Questions page is available.
Available Schemas
In addition to the DTD format, the Tag Set is also available as a W3C XML schema and as a RELAX NG schema. Both are generated directly from the DTD and neither is intended for maintenance. See the individual schema pages for more information.
National Center for Biotechnology Information Last updated: September 17, 2012 |