
The Article Authoring Tag Set defines elements and attributes that describe the content and metadata of journal articles, including research articles; subject-review articles; non-research articles; letters; editorials; book, software, and product reviews; peer reviews, and author responses included with an article. The Tag Set allows for descriptions of the full article content and article header metadata.

The intent of the Authoring Tag Set is to create a standardized format for users to create new journal articles using model-driven tools (tools that read, interpret, and apply schemas in real time) and submit the articles to journals for publication consideration.

Because the Set is optimized for use with tools, Authoring is the most prescriptive Set in the overall Tag Suite. It includes many elements whose content must occur in a specified order and limits the options for formatting. For example, the Set does not allow explicit numbering on list items or citations. These are items that are determined by a journal’s editorial style and are not appropriate for inclusion in the Authoring Tag Set.

This Tag Set describes an article model that is highly prescriptive with limited choices to support model-driven authoring and editing tools.