
Mime Subtype

Mime subtype for a graphic, multimedia object, or piece of supplementary material.


Although this Tag Set cannot enforce it, the element <graphic> should be limited to still images. The element <media> should be reserved for objects whose @mime-subtype involves video, audio, moving images, time-dependent graphic types, and other non-XML data types. Mimetypes and subtypes should be set accordingly but are not constrained by this Tag Set.

The source for this attribute’s values is the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

Attribute Values

In Element

cgmComputer Graphics Metafile.
gifCompuServe Graphic Interchange Format.
jpegJoint Photographic Experts Group raster.
pngPortable Network Graphics.
tiffTag Image File Format.
Restriction: This is an optional attribute; there is no default.

In Elements

<graphic>, <inline-supplementary-material>, <media>, <supplementary-material>
Text, numbers, or special charactersA specific mime subtype (from the November 2003 list).
Restriction: This is an optional attribute; there is no default.