
Index Term

The index term to be embedded into the narrative of a document so that an Index can be created programmatically.


An <index-term> is either a single target point or the start of an index range. When it is the start of a range, an @id attribute is required, so that the <index-term-range-end> element can point to the start of the range.


content-type Type of Content
id Identifier
index-type Type of Index
specific-use Specific Use
xml:lang Language

Content Model

<!ELEMENT index-term    %index-term-model;                           >

Expanded Content Model

(term, (index-term | (see | see-also)*))


The following, in order:

This element may be contained in:

<abbrev>, <addr-line>, <aff>, <alt-title>, <anonymous>, <article-title>, <attrib>, <award-id>, <bold>, <book-title>, <chapter-title>, <chem-struct>, <collab>, <comment>, <compound-kwd-part>, <conf-acronym>, <conf-loc>, <conf-name>, <conf-num>, <conf-sponsor>, <conf-theme>, <copyright-statement>, <corresp>, <def-head>, <degrees>, <disp-formula>, <edition>, <element-citation>, <email>, <etal>, <ext-link>, <fax>, <funding-source>, <funding-statement>, <given-names>, <gov>, <index-term>, <inline-formula>, <inline-supplementary-material>, <institution>, <issue>, <issue-part>, <issue-title>, <italic>, <kwd>, <label>, <license-p>, <meta-name>, <meta-value>, <mixed-citation>, <monospace>, <named-content>, <nav-pointer>, <on-behalf-of>, <overline>, <p>, <part-title>, <patent>, <phone>, <prefix>, <preformat>, <product>, <publisher-loc>, <publisher-name>, <related-article>, <related-object>, <role>, <roman>, <sans-serif>, <sc>, <see>, <see-also>, <see-also-entry>, <see-entry>, <self-uri>, <series>, <sig>, <sig-block>, <source>, <speaker>, <std-organization>, <strike>, <string-conf>, <string-date>, <string-name>, <styled-content>, <sub>, <subject>, <subtitle>, <suffix>, <sup>, <supplement>, <surname>, <target>, <td>, <term>, <term-head>, <th>, <title>, <trans-source>, <trans-subtitle>, <trans-title>, <underline>, <unstructured-kwd-group>, <uri>, <verse-line>, <volume>, <volume-id>, <volume-series>, <xref>


Since no real samples are available yet, these examples illustrate how embedded index terms work inside the text of a document:

<p>This is a paragraph with indexing throughout, for
example in talking about primary index terms<index-term>
<term>primary level index term</term></index-term>, and 
still the paragraph continues on with other 
embedded index terms such as this one.<index-term>
<term>primary level index term
<index-term><term>secondary term</term></index-term>
</term></index-term> as the text just continues.</p>

<p>Now that you see how it works, this paragraph is 
slightly more realistic, talking about Poodles
example <index-term><term>poodle</term></index-term>, and 
still the paragraph continues on with other 
embedded index terms such as this 2-level one.
</term></index-term> Still the text continues,
if necessary.</p>

<p>Finally, as an illustration is a very 
complex, multilevel index term:
<term>Primary term</term>
    <term>secondary term</term>
      <term>tertiary term</term>
        <term>4th level down</term>
          <term>5th and out</term>
          <see>a lessor, non-preferred term</see>
          <see-also>Be advised you might want to 
           look at this.</see-also>
</index-term> inside the text of an ordinary paragraph.
Or placed at the end of the paragraph, if that seems
more reasonable.</p>


