
Table Wrapper

Wrapper element for a complete table, including the tabular material (rows and columns), caption (including title), footnotes, and alternative descriptions of the table for purposes of accessibility.


Table Content: This element has been designed to capture a construct named “table”, whether that structure contains an explicit <table> element or contains non-tabular structures such as graphics, lists, or paragraphs. Many publishers associate table captions and table numbers with material that is not explicitly tabular. Within the <table-wrap> element, row and column tags that describe the table cells should be defined by either the <table> element of the JATS table model (based on and designed to be converted easily to the XHTML 1.1 table model) or, less typically, by the OASIS XML Exchange (CALS) table model.

Related Essay: For a discussion on the use of <table-wrap>, see Table, Table Wrapper, and Table Group.

Within the <table-wrap> element, the row and column tags that describe the table cells are typically defined by the JATS table model or the OASIS XML Exchange (CALS) table model.

Design Note: Many tag sets use an element called “Table Footnote” (with a tag such as <tblfn>) for footnotes inside a table. This Tag Set uses <fn> inside tables, as well as everywhere else, relying instead on context to differentiate table footnotes. Footnotes inside a <table-wrap> are assumed to be footnotes to the table and, as part of the table, are displayed at the bottom of the table, usually as part of the <table-wrap-foot>, rather than at the bottom of the page or otherwise separated from the display of the table.

Position: The @position attribute may be used to indicate whether a <table-wrap> must be anchored at its exact location within the text or whether it may float, for example, to the top of the next page, into the next column, to the end of a logical file, or within a separate window.

JATS Table Processing Note: In building the NISO JATS table model from the XHTML model, the <caption> element was removed from within the <table> element, because, in the JATS Tag Suite, the <caption> element has been made part of the <table-wrap> element.


content-type Type of Content
id Identifier
orientation Orientation
position Position
specific-use Specific Use
xml:lang Language

Related Elements

The <table> element is an element should be defined by the JATS table model, which is based on and designed to be converted easily to the XHTML 1.1 table model. This element is not, in itself, a full table, but only the rows and columns portions of a table. A full table may have other features, such as a title, caption, table footnotes, etc. The <table-wrap> element contains the full table, that is, both rows and columns as well as captions and footers. A full table (<table-wrap>) may or may not include an actual <table> element within it, since other constructions, such as 2-part lists, may also be given table titles, captions, etc.

OASIS CALS Table Note: The OASIS XML Exchange (CALS) table model has also been included in the BITS and may be used as an additional or alternative table model. The example DTD includes two different table models in a BITS-based DTD, by using pseudo-namespaces with a fixed prefix to differentiate any name clashes. The XHTML-based table model is usually taken as primary (no name space prefix) and the OASIS XML Exchange (CALS) table model set up to use pseudo-namespaces (prefix “oasis”) with an xmlns #FIXED attribute. For organizations that choose to use the OASIS table model in addition to the more XHTML-like JATS table model, a version of the BITS Book DTD has been provided with that model (BITS-book-oasis0.dtd). A separate Tag Library describing the OASIS table model elements, attributes, and parameter entities may be accessed at https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/options/OASIS/tag-library/19990315/index.html.

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  table-wrap   %table-wrap-model;                           >

Expanded Content Model

((object-id)*, label?, (caption)?, (alt-text | long-desc | email | ext-link | uri)*, (disp-quote | speech | statement | verse-group | def-list | list | alternatives | chem-struct-wrap | graphic | media | preformat | table)*, (table-wrap-foot | attrib | permissions)*)


The following, in order:

This element may be contained in:

<abstract>, <ack>, <app>, <app-group>, <bio>, <body>, <boxed-text>, <disp-quote>, <fig>, <floats-group>, <glossary>, <index>, <index-div>, <index-group>, <license-p>, <named-book-part-body>, <named-content>, <notes>, <p>, <ref-list>, <sec>, <styled-content>, <supplementary-material>, <table-wrap-group>, <toc>, <toc-div>, <toc-entry>, <toc-group>, <trans-abstract>


<table-wrap id="bid.269">
<title>Files on the taxonomy FTP site.</title>
<th align="left" valign="top">File</th>
<th align="left" valign="top">Uncompresses to</th>
<th align="left" valign="top">Description</th>
<td align="left" valign="top">taxdump.tar.Z<xref ref-type="fn"
<td align="left" valign="top">readme.txt</td>
<td align="left" valign="top">A terse description of the dmp
<td align="left" valign="top"></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">nodes.dmp</td>
<td align="left" valign="top">Structure of the database; lists
each taxid with its parent taxid, rank, and other values
associated with each node (genetic codes, etc.)</td>

<fn symbol="a" id="mul2">
<p>For non-UNIX users, the file taxdmp.zip includes the
same (zip compressed) data.</p>


