Journal Publishing Tag Set
The Journal Publishing Tag Set defines elements and attributes that describe the content and metadata of journal articles, including research articles; subject-review articles; non-research articles; letters; editorials; book, software, and product reviews; peer reviews, and author responses included with an article. The Tag Set allows for descriptions of the full article content or just the article header metadata.
The intent of the Publishing Tag Set is to provide a standardized format for users to regularize and optimize data for exchange with publishing, hosting, or archiving partners. The model works as a conversion target for article content provided both in XML and non-XML formats.
Because this Tag Set is intended to regularize data, the model includes fewer elements and tagging choices than the NISO JATS Archiving Tag Set. Publishing imposes element sequence more often and is not concerned with accepting sequence and arrangement of data provided by another group or individual.
This Tag Set describes an article model that is a prescriptive conversion target that eases reuse and the creation of output products.