
Nested Keyword

A hierarchically-structured keyword, such as a keywords from a taxonomy.


Key words are contained in <kwd-group>s. There may be several <kwd-group>s, each of which can be identified separately by language, vocabulary, or taxonomy source. None of the individual keyword elements (<kwd>, <compound-kwd>, <nested-kwd>) take the @xml:lang attribute; that is reserved for the <kwd-group>. This means that keywords must be sorted by language and entered in language groups.

Related Essay: For a discussion on the use of <kwd>, see Keywords.


content-type Type of Content
id Identifier

Related Elements

This Tag Set contains several differently-structured types of keywords:

Best Practice: In this Tag Set, nested keywords ( <nested-kwd>) should be reserved for hierarchical material such as taxonomies. There are a few journal tag sets in which keyword nesting is used to simulate a two-part list. Such a keyword list should be tagged as a <def-list> instead.

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  nested-kwd   %nested-kwd-model;                           >

Expanded Content Model

((kwd | compound-kwd)+, nested-kwd*)


The following, in order:

This element may be contained in:

<kwd-group>, <nested-kwd>

Example 1

<kwd-group kwd-group-type="xyw-food-taxonomy">
      <kwd>drinkable yogurt</kwd>

Example 2

<kwd-group kwd-group-type="ISO-party-codes">
  <compound-kwd content-type="ISO-party-codes">
    <compound-kwd-part content-type="ISO-party-code-value">4335</compound-kwd-part>
     <compound-kwd-part content-type="ISO-party-code-name">Halloween</compound-kwd-part>
      <compound-kwd-part content-type="ISO-party-code-value">43351</compound-kwd-part>
      <compound-kwd-part content-type="ISO-party-code-name">Adult Halloween 
      <compound-kwd-part content-type="ISO-party-code-value">43352</compound-kwd-part>
      <compound-kwd-part content-type="ISO-party-code-name">Children's Halloween 

Example 3

<kwd-group kwd-group-type="author">
    <kwd>Other rheumatic heart disease</kwd>
      <kwd>Rhematic myocarditis</kwd>
      <kwd>Other and unspecified rheumatic heart disease</kwd>
        <kwd>Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified</kwd>
        <kwd>Rheumatic heart failure (congestive)</kwd>

