Free to Read (NISO Access License and Indicators)
A flag indicating that the document content can be read or viewed at its current location by any user without payment or authentication.
This element is defined in NISO RP-22-2015 Access License and Indicators Recommended
Practice. It is a simple indication of the status of the document that does not make any statements
about additional reuse rights or restrictions. Absence of this element in a document does not indicate its negation; it merely indicates
that a user would need to look to other information to ascertain the status of the document.
Date Attributes: Start and end dates can be placed on the
free-to-read status using the attributes @start_date and
@end_date. Start and end dates can be used to record delayed access,
special offers, etc. where the content is free to read for a period of time or after a particular
date. The absence of both start and end dates indicates a permanent free-to-read status.
Content Model
<!ELEMENT ali:free_to_read %free-to-read-model; >
Expanded Content Model
This is an EMPTY element
This element may be contained in:
Free-to-read flag with both start and end dates. After
the end date, the document will have different, non-free licensing arrangements:
<ali:free_to_read xmlns:ali="http://www.niso.org/schemas/ali/1.0/"
start_date="2014-01-01" end_date="2014-12-31"/>