
Collaboration Alternatives

Wrapper element for more than one version of a single collaboration, such as the name of a laboratory in more than one language, for example, a laboratory name in Japanese Kana characters and a transliterated form of the laboratory name in the Latin alphabet.


Expanded Content Model



This element may be contained in:


One collaboration in two languages:
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<collab xml:lang="en">JSSRS Group</collab>
<aff-alternatives id="aff3">
<aff xml:lang="en">
<institution>Japan Stroke Association</institution>
<contrib contrib-type="author" rid="FN6"> 
<collab xml:lang="en">Kiso Kyoiku-kai Nogaike Research Group</collab>
<author-comment id="FN6" content-type="study-group-members"> 
<p>相渡弘, 今井雅倫, 木島栄次, 清水千春, 清水なるみ, 白金正明, 杉山兼二, 
春原孝, 楯誠治, 田中新一, 田中博, 栩秋洋平(五十音順).</p> 
<p xml:lang="en">Aido, H., Imai, M., Kijima, E., Shimizu, C., Shimizu, N., 
Shirokane, M., Sugiyama, K., Sunohara, T., Tanaka, H., 
Tanaka, S., Tate, S. and Tochiaki, Y. 3 (alphabetical order).</p>