Single item (one entry) in a list of items.
On display or in print, a list entry may be preceded by a prefix character, such as a bullet or a number. This character is determined by the @list-type attribute, possibly combined with the @prefix-word attribute. If the <label> element is used in a <list-item>, it overrides the @list-type and @prefix-word attributes.
Best Practice: While this element contains an optional <label> element, the <label> element should be included only in those circumstances where a formatting override is needed; <label> should NOT be used in the ordinary course of tagging.
<!ELEMENT list-item %list-item-model; >
(label?, (p | def-list | list)+)
The following, in order:
... <p>Entries can fail HTG processing because of three types of problems: <list list-type="arabic"> <list-item id="bid.11"> <label>1</label> <p>Formatting: submissions are not in the proper Seq-submit format.</p> </list-item> <list-item id="bid.12"> <label>2</label> <p>Identification: submissions may be missing the genome center tag, sequence name, or Accession number, or this information is incorrect.</p> </list-item> <list-item id="bid.13"> <label>3</label> <p>Data: submissions have problems with the data and therefore fail the validator checks.</p> </list-item> </list> </p> ...