

Title of a document (for example, journal, book, conference proceedings) that contains (is the source of) the material being cited in a bibliographic reference or product.


content-type Type of Content
id Document Internal Identifier
specific-use Specific Use
xml:base Base
xml:lang Language

Related Elements

In Citations: Within a bibliographic reference (<element-citation> or <mixed-citation>), the <source> element is the title of the publication being referenced, such as a journal, book, report, conference proceedings, etc. For journal citations, the title of the article being cited is tagged as <article-title>. For books, if a chapter is being cited, its title is tagged as <chapter-title>, and the full book title uses <source>.

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  source       (#PCDATA %source-elements;)*                 >

Expanded Content Model

(#PCDATA | email | ext-link | uri | bold | fixed-case | italic | monospace | overline | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | ruby | named-content | styled-content | sub | sup)*


Any combination of:

This element may be contained in:

<element-citation>, <mixed-citation>, <nlm-citation>, <product>, <related-article>, <related-object>, <std>

Example 1

Title of a journal in a bibliographic reference (punctuation and spacing removed):

<ref id="B8">
<element-citation publication-type="journal">
<person-group person-group-type="author">
<article-title>Effects and costs of day-care
services for the chronically ill: a randomized
<source>Medical Care</source>
<year iso-8601-date="1980">1980</year>
<pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">6772889</pub-id>

Example 2

Title of a journal in a bibliographic reference (punctuation and spacing preserved):

<ref id="B8">
<mixed-citation publication-type="journal">
<article-title>Effects and costs of day-care
services for the chronically ill: a randomized
experiment</article-title>. <source>Medical Care</source>
<year iso-8601-date="1980">1980</year>; <volume>18</volume>:
[<pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">6772889</pub-id>].

Example 3

Title of a book in a bibliographic reference (punctuation and spacing removed):

<ref id="B1">
<element-citation publication-type="book">
<collab>Research Unit of the Royal College of 
Physicians and British Geriatric Society</collab>
<source>Geriatric day hospitals: their role
and guidelines for good practice</source>
<year iso-8601-date="1994">1994</year>

Example 4

Title of a book in a bibliographic reference (punctuation and spacing preserved):

<ref id="B1">
<mixed-citation publication-type="book">
<collab>Research Unit of the Royal College of Physicians
and British Geriatric Society</collab>.
<source>Geriatric day hospitals: their role and guidelines
for good practice</source>. <publisher-loc>London</publisher-loc>:
<year iso-8601-date="1994">1994</year>.

Example 5

As part of a product description:

<source>Image-Guided Radiation Therapy in Lymphoma Management. 
The Increasing Role of Functional Imaging.</source>
<name name-style="western"><surname>Macklis</surname>
<given-names>R. M.</given-names></name>
<name name-style="western"><surname>Conti</surname>
<given-names>P. S.</given-names></name>
<publisher-name>Informa Healthcare</publisher-name>, 
Essex, United Kingdom, 2010, Price: <price>$324.00</price>. 
ISBN: <isbn>9781420058741</isbn>, 80 p. (hardcover)

