Information concerning how and with whom to correspond about an article.
A cross-reference element (<xref>) may point to this element’s @id attribute.
Best Practice: While this element contains an optional <label> element, the <label> element should be included only in those circumstances where a formatting override is needed; <label> should NOT be used in the ordinary course of tagging.
<!ELEMENT corresp (#PCDATA %corresp-elements;)* >
(#PCDATA | addr-line | country | fax | institution | phone | email | ext-link | uri | inline-supplementary-material | related-article | related-object | hr | bold | italic | monospace | overline | overline-start | overline-end | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | underline-start | underline-end | alternatives | inline-graphic | private-char | chem-struct | inline-formula | tex-math | mml:math | abbrev | milestone-end | milestone-start | named-content | styled-content | fn | target | xref | sub | sup | x | break | label)*
Any combination of:
<corresp>Correspondence should be directed to Tabitha O’Malley,
RN, Assistant Editor, <italic>Ste. Genevieve Journal of
Nursing</italic>. Letters may be routed electronically
(email: or by mail to:
Ste. Genevieve School of Nursing, Lowell Administrative
Building, 110 Chesterfield Drive, Winston, PA 68490-3257.
Submitting a letter to the Journal grants Ste. Genevieve
School of Nursing and the Journal the right to publish
the submission; however, publication lies solely in the
discretion of the Journal’s editorial staff.
Correspondents should include both their electronic and
regular mail addresses, as well as their telephone numbers.
<pub-date iso-8601-date="2008"><year>2008</year></pub-date>...