This “Tag Library” is provided as a service to users of NISO Z39.96-2011, JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite. This Tag Library is not a part of NISO Z39.96. It contains non-normative information that is intended to be helpful to users of NISO Z39.96, including:
The intent of the Journal Article Tag Suite is to provide a common format in which publishers and archives can exchange journal content. The Suite provides a set of XML schema modules that define elements and attributes for describing the textual and graphical content of journal articles as well as some non-article material such as letters, editorials, and book and product reviews.
The Article Authoring Tag Set creates a standardized format for new journal articles that can be used by authors to submit publications to journals and to archives such as PubMed Central. While in theory the document scope is the same as for the Publishing Tag Set, in practice Authoring defines elements and attributes that describe the content of typical research-style journal articles.
This is a Tag Set optimized for authorship of new journal articles, where regularization and control of content is important, and where it is useful rather than harmful to have only one way to tag a structure. Therefore, Authoring is more prescriptive than descriptive and includes many elements whose content must occur in a specified order.
Since an author is assumed to be creating and submitting an article for submission to a journal or journals, no publishing history or journal-specific information has been included in this Authoring Tag Set.
Since no assumptions can be made concerning the processing software or editorial situation that will receive an article authored in this Tag Set, tagging that forces specific formatting has also been avoided. There is no way for an author to number his/her lists explicitly, for example, or to manually number the cited references, since many journals have their own citation policies and publication styles. Numbers for the cited references must be generated by the publisher’s software to match editorial policy and established practice.
By design, this is a model for journal articles, such as the typical research article found in an STM journal, and not a model for complete journals. This Tag Set does not include an overarching model for a collection of articles. In addition, the following journal material is not described by this Tag Set:
The Article Authoring Tag Set defines a document that is a top-level component of a journal such as an article, a book or product review, or a letter to the editor. Each such document is composed of one or more parts; if there is more than one part, they must appear in the following order:
This Tag Set is one of several created from the Suite. Information about these Tag Sets may be found at the following site:
Element |
Elements are nouns, like “speech” and “speaker”, that represent components of journal articles, the articles themselves, and accompanying metadata. |
Attribute |
Attributes hold facts about an element, such as which type of list (e.g., numbered, bulleted, or plain) is being requested when using the List <list> tag, or the name of a pointer to an external file that contains an image. Each attribute has both a name (e.g., @list-type) and a value (e.g., “ bullet ”). |
Metadata |
Data about the data, for example, bibliographic information. The distinction is between metadata elements which describe an article (such as author of the article) versus elements which contain the textual and graphical content of the article. |
How you use the documentation will depend on what you need to learn about the modules and the Tag Set.
If you want to learn about the elements and the attributes in this Tag Set so you can tag documents or learn how the journal article model is constructed, here is a good way to start.
Finally, if you are interested in conversion from a particular source:
This Tag Library contains the following sections:
How To Use (Read Me First |
How to make best use of this Tag Library to reference XML tags, become familiar with the Authoring Tag Set as a whole, or see examples of recommended usage. |
Introduction |
This introduction to the contents of this Tag Library, to the design philosophy and intended usage of the Archiving and Interchange Suite, and to the Article Authoring Tag Set. |
Elements Section |
Descriptions of the elements used in the Article Authoring Tag Set and the parts of the Archiving and Interchange Suite used in this Tag Set. The element descriptions are listed in alphabetical order by tag name. [Note: Each element has two names: a “tag name” (formally called an element-type name) that is used in tagged documents, in the DTDs/schemas, and by XML software; and an “element name” (usually longer) that provides a fuller, more descriptive name for the benefit of human readers. For example, a tag name might be <disp-quote> with the corresponding element name Quote, Displayed, or a tag name might be <verse-group> with the corresponding element name Verse Form for Poetry.] |
Attributes Section |
Descriptions of the attributes in the Article Authoring Tag Set. Like elements, attributes also have two names: the shorter machine-readable one and a (usually longer) human-readable one. Attributes are listed in order by the shorter, machine-readable names. For example, the attribute short name @list-type instead of the more informal, easier to read: Type of List. |
Parameter Entity Section |
Names (with occasional descriptions) and contents of the parameter entities in the Tag Set modules. |
Document Hierarchy Diagrams |
Tree-like graphical representations of the content of many elements. This can be a fast, visual way to determine the structure of an article or of any element within an article. |
Full Article Sample |
One full article is provided in both PDF format and in XML according to this Tag Set. This is provided to help users understand the relationship between the article as displayed and the XML version of the article. |
Common Tagging Practice |
Tips, tricks, hints, and examples of how (and why) to tag certain structures using this Tag Set. |
Implementing This Tag Set |
Implementor’s instructions for using the Tag Set, customizing this Tag Set, or making derivative tag sets based on this one. |
DTD, XSD, and RNG |
The Article Authoring Tag Set is available in three forms: an XML Document Type Definition (DTD); a W3C XML Schema (XSD); and a RELAX NG Schema (RNG). Each of these formats is available in two forms: a zipped file containing a downloadable version of the schema (often in multiple files), and a readable/browsable version in which the internal markup has been escaped. |
Context Table |
A listing of where each element may be used. All elements in the Tag Set are given in a single alphabetical list. The Context Table is formatted in two columns. The first column (“This Element”) names an element, with the name shown in pointy brackets. In the second column (“May Be Contained In”) for each element is an alphabetical list of all the elements in which the first column element may occur. For example, if the first column contains the element <front> and the second column contains only the <article> element, this means that the <front> element may only be used directly inside an <article>. Most elements may be used inside more than one other element. For example, the element <def> (a definition) may be used inside the <abbrev> and the <def-item> elements. The Context Table contains the same information that is found on each element page under the heading “May Be Contained In”. |
Index |
Where to find elements, tags, and terms used in this Tag Library. Includes synonyms (terms not used in this Tag Set) that direct the reader to elements used in this Tag Library, for example, “author” is paired with Contributor <contrib>. |
<alt-text> | The tag name of an element (written in lower case with the entire name surrounded by “< >”) |
Alternate Text Name (For a Figure, etc.) | The element name (long descriptive name of an element) or the descriptive name of an attribute (written in title case, with important words capitalized, and the words separated by spaces) |
@name | The “@” sign before a name indicates an attribute name. |
must not | Emphasis to stress a point |