Container element for description of and pointer to additional data files that contain information directly supportive of the document (for example, audio clip, applet, raw research data).
Supplementary material has been defined to include all of the following:
Usage: The element is used in two contexts:
Typing: The @mimetype attribute may be used to identify a file type for a <supplementary-material> element.
Relation to Other Tag Sets: The <supplementary-material> element has a similar function to the <audiovisual> element in some XML tag sets and the <unprinted-item> element (used only for electronic files) in other tag sets.
<!ELEMENT supplementary-material %supplementary-material-model; >
((object-id)*, (caption)?, (alt-text | long-desc | email | ext-link | uri)*, (p)*, attrib?, permissions?)
The following, in order:
<alternatives>, <app>, <article-meta>, <bio>, <body>, <boxed-text>, <license-p>, <named-content>, <p>, <sec>, <styled-content>
<fig id="F1">...</fig>
<supplementary-material id="S1" xmlns:xlink=""
xlink:title="local_file" xlink:href="1471-2105-1-1-s1.pdf"
<p>Supplementary PDF file supplied by authors.</p>
<p>RNAPs seem to have arisen twice in evolution
(see the <inline-supplementary-material
xlink:title="local_file" xlink:href="timeline">
Timeline</inline-supplementary-material>. A large
family of multisubunit RNAPs includes bacterial
enzymes, archeal enzymes, eukaryotic nuclear RNAPs,
plastid-encoded chloroplast RNAPs, and RNAPs from
some eukaryotic viruses. ...</p>