

Generic count element to count anything a NISO JATS user organization may wish to count in a document. The @count-type attribute will name what is being counted (such as footnotes, tables, sections, contributors, images, etc.) The @count attribute will state how many of the objects are in the document.


Although a NISO JATS user organization could choose to label all the counted objects in a document using this element, the specific count elements (<fig-count>, <equation-count>, <word-count>, etc.) will be retained for backwards compatibility, and may still be used.


count Count
count-type Count Type

Related Elements

Inside the <counts> container element are the counts of various components of the document: the generic count element <count> (for which the @count-type names what is being counted) and the specific named counting elements: <fig-count> is the number of figures, the <table-count> is the number of tables, the <equation-count> is the number of equations, the <ref-count> is either the number of references or (more properly) the number of citations in the bibliographic reference list, the <page-count> is the page count, and the <word-count> is the number of words in the document.

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  count        EMPTY                                        >


This is an EMPTY element

This element may be contained in:



<conf-date iso-8601-date="1999">1999</conf-date>
<conf-name>The 27th annual ACM SI/GUCCS
<conf-loc>Denver, Colorado, United States</conf-loc>
<conf-sponsor>ACM, Assoc. for Computing
<conf-theme>User services conference for
university and college computing service
<count count-type="contributors" count="3"/>
<fig-count count="5"/>
<table-count count="3"/>
<equation-count count="10"/>
<ref-count count="26"/>
<page-count count="6"/>
<word-count count="2847"/>

