Container element to contain information about a single conference and its proceedings.
Design Note: This element and all the contained conference elements were largely based on the original elements from the CrossRef schema.
<!ELEMENT conference %conference-model; >
(conf-date | conf-name | conf-num | conf-loc | conf-sponsor | conf-theme | conf-acronym | string-conf | x)*
Any combination of:
<pub-date iso-8601-date="2006"><year>2006</year></pub-date>
<conf-date iso-8601-date="2006-08-14">14 August 2006</conf-date>
<string-conf>”HIV/AIDS in Prison: A Comprehensive
Response,“ Satellite meeting at the <conf-name>XVI
International AIDS Conference</conf-name></string-conf>
<conf-name>HIV/AIDS in Prison: A Comprehensive Response</conf-name>
<conf-acronym>AIDS 2006</conf-acronym>
<conf-loc>Toronto, Canada</conf-loc>
<conf-theme content-type="conference">Time to Deliver</conf-theme>
<conf-sponsor content-type="satellite">Public Health Agency
of Canada</conf-sponsor>
<conf-sponsor content-type="satellite">United Nations Office
on Drugs and Crime</conf-sponsor>
<conf-sponsor content-type="conference">Government of Canada</conf-sponsor>
<conf-sponsor content-type="conference">Swedish International
Development Agency (Sida)</conf-sponsor>