Container element for the metadata that is specific to the large-scale components that comprise the body of a book, such as a chapter, unit, part, or module (all tagged as the element <book-part>).
This element is also used to provide the metadata for the named components of book front matter, such as Dedications and Prefaces.
<!ELEMENT book-part-meta %book-part-meta-model; >
(book-part-id*, subj-group*, title-group?, (contrib-group | aff | aff-alternatives | x)*, author-notes?, pub-date*, edition*, issn*, issn-l?, isbn*, publisher*, ((fpage, lpage?) | elocation-id)?, supplementary-material*, pub-history*, permissions?, self-uri*, (related-article | related-object)*, (abstract)*, trans-abstract*, (kwd-group)*, funding-group*, conference*, counts?, custom-meta-group*, (notes)*)
The following, in order:
<book-part>, <dedication>, <foreword>, <front-matter-part>, <preface>
For a portion of a book:
<book dtd-version="1.0">
<book-part id="bid.2" book-part-type="chapter">
<book-part-id book-part-id-type="doi">...</book-part-id>
<title>GenBank: The Nucleotide Sequence Database</title>
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<date date-type="created" iso-8601-date="2002-10-09">
<date date-type="updated" iso-8601-date="2004-07-27">
<sec id="bid.3">...</sec>
For front matter:
<book dtd-version="1.0">
<title>About this book</title>
<sec sec-type="miscinfo">
<title>The NCBI Handbook</title>
<p>Bioinformatics consists of a computational approach
to biomedical information management and analysis. It is
being used increasingly as a component of research within
both academic and industrial settings and is becoming
integrated into both undergraduate and postgraduate
curricula. The new generation of biology graduates is
emerging with experience in using bioinformatics resources
and, in some cases, programming skills.</p>