A major organizational unit of a book, typically called a “chapter”, but given many names in common language, for example, chapter, part, unit, module, section, topic, lesson, canto, volume, or even “book”.
Book Parts are recursive, that is, various levels of <book-part> are indicated by containment, not by different names for the interior parts. The body of a book part (<body>) may contain lower level <book-part> elements or just recursive sections that are tagged using the <sec> element.
<!ELEMENT book-part %book-part-model; >
(book-part-meta?, front-matter?, body?, back?)
The following, in order:
<book dtd-version="1.0"> <book-meta>...</book-meta> <front-matter>...</front-matter> <book-body> <book-part id="bid.2" book-part-type="chapter"> <book-part-meta>...</book-part-meta> <body> <sec id="bid.3"> <title>History</title> <p>Initially, GenBank was built and maintained at Los Alamos National Laboratory (<xref ref-type="kwd" rid="bid.41">LANL</xref>). In the early 1990s, this responsibility was awarded to NCBI through ...</p> </sec> <sec id="bid.4"> <title>International Collaboration</title> <p>In the mid-1990s, the GenBank database became part of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration with the EMBL database ...</p> </sec> </body> <back>...</back> </book-part> <book-part>...</book-part> <book-part>...</book-part> <book-part>...</book-part> </book-body> </book>