International Standard Book Number, the international code for identifying a particular product form or edition of a publication, typically a monographic publication.
ISBNs can be assigned to books, reports, standards documents, conference proceedings, and dissertations.
Within an ISBN, spacing, hyphens, and punctuation should be preserved.
If there is more than one ISBN, the @content-type attribute may be used to differentiate between ISBNs or explain the reason for a particular ISBN.
Within Metadata: The <isbn> element can be used to record all such numbers inside metadata for books, book parts and collections.
Within Citations and Other Referencing Elements: This element can also be used inside bibliographic citations to books (<element-citation> and <mixed-citation>) as well as within other referencing elements such as <related-object>. Within a mixed-style citation, the text “ISBN:”, if present, should be kept as text within the citation but not placed inside the <isbn> element. Within an element-style citation, the text “ISBN:”, if present, should be removed from the citation and also not placed inside the <isbn> element.
<!ELEMENT isbn (#PCDATA %isbn-elements;)* >
(#PCDATA | x)*
Any combination of:
<book-meta>, <book-part-meta>, <collection-meta>, <element-citation>, <event>, <event-desc>, <mixed-citation>, <product>, <related-article>, <related-object>
Inside metadata:
<isbn content-type="conf-proc">978-0-7354-1164-7</isbn>
<fpage seq="1">113</fpage>
<book-title>Wildflowers of the Washington Area</book-title>
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<given-names>Deborah A.</given-names></name>
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<given-names>B. Tommie</given-names></name>
<pub-date iso-8601-date="2002"><year>2002</year></pub-date>
<publisher-name>Lippman, Ltd.</publisher-name>
<publisher-loc>Bethesda, MD</publisher-loc>
As part of the description of a product:
<source>Image-Guided Radiation Therapy in Lymphoma Management.
The Increasing Role of Functional Imaging.</source>
<name name-style="western"><surname>Macklis</surname>
<given-names>R. M.</given-names></name>
<name name-style="western"><surname>Conti</surname>
<given-names>P. S.</given-names></name>
<publisher-name>Informa Healthcare</publisher-name>,
Essex, United Kingdom, 2010, Price: <price>$324.00</price>.
ISBN: <isbn>9781420058741</isbn>, 80 p. (hardcover)