
Prefix Word (For a List Item)

Word or phrase to be added to the beginning of each item in a list (for example, “Step”, “Procedure”).


Display/Formatting Note: Any prefix word is in addition to and typically precedes any prefix characters (numbers, bullets). For example, a list type of “order” and a prefix word of “Step” would produce: “Step1. aaaa”, “Step2. bbbb”, “Step3. cccc”, etc. Note that typically, no white space follows the inserted word, i.e., “Step” rather than “Step ”.
The standard exception to this order is the bulleted list, in which the prefix character would precede the prefix word—“• Step” rather than “ Step•”.

Used on Elements: <def-list>, <list>

Text, numbers, or special charactersThe prefix word to be used for the list; for example, the word “Step” might be used to display a list numbered “Step1.”, “Step2.”, “Step3.”, etc.
Restriction@prefix-word is an optional attribute; there is no default.


<list id="g387" list-type="order"
list-content="procedure-list" prefix-word="Step ">
<list-item><p>Attach the other red jumper cable clamp to the
working battery's positive terminal.</p></list-item>
<graphic xlink:href="warning.jpg"/>
<list continued-from="g387" list-type="order"
list-content="procedure-list" prefix-word="Step ">
<list-item><p>Attach one black jumper cable clamp to
the working battery's negative terminal.</p></list-item>
<list-item><p>Attach the other black jumper cable clamp to
a clean metal surface on the disabled vehicle.</p></list-item>