<collab-name> Collaborative (Group) Name

The name of a group of contributors who are credited under a single name, such as a committee or a project credited as a contributor.


Content of <collab-name>
This element may contain the name of either a collaboration of individuals in the strict sense of the word “collaboration” or the name of an organization (such as a laboratory, educational institution, corporation, or department) when such a unit acts as a contributor by, for example, authoring the work.
  • Internal References — Since <collab-name> is intended to hold only a name, internal references, such as cross-references (<xref>) and footnotes (<fn>), cannot be made inside a <collab-name> and should instead be part of the contributor description (inside <contrib>).
  • External References — Similarly, external links such as <email>, <ext-link>, and <uri> should be inside the <contrib> rather than inside the .
  • Similarly, external links such as <email>, <ext-link>, and <uri> should be part of <contrib> rather than inside the <collab-name>.
Graphics — The element <inline-graphic> is not allowed within <collab-name>. The element <private-char> (perhaps containing an <inline-graphic>) should be used to include non-Unicode characters in the name of a collaboration.
Context of <collab-name>
The element <collab-name> may be used to hold the name of a collaboration:
(Note: The element <collab-wrap> may only be used as part of contributor information (inside <contrib>). All other contexts for the now-deprecated <collab> have been replaced by the element <collab-name>.
Related Elements
The element <collab-name> should not be confused with the element <collab>, a now-deprecated element which was a container that held not only the name of the collaboration (as untagged text) but also metadata such as the names and affiliations of the individual contributors who were part of the collaboration, the address of the collaboration, etc. A <collab-name> contains the name of the collaboration; the contributor names for collaboration members belong inside the <collab-wrap> element.

Base Attributes


Models and Context
May be contained in
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  collab-name  (#PCDATA %collab-name-elements;)*            >
Expanded Content Model

(#PCDATA | bold | fixed-case | italic | monospace | overline | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | ruby | private-char | sub | sup)*

Tagged Samples
Two languages
 <contrib contrib-type="author">
   <collab-name xml:lang="en">JSSRS Group</collab-name>
  <xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff3">3</xref> 
 <aff-alternatives id="aff3">
  <aff xml:lang="en">
   <institution>Japan Stroke Association</institution></aff> 
With explanatory footnote also in two languages
  <contrib contrib-type="author"> 
    <collab-name xml:lang="en">Kiso Kyoiku-kai Nogaike Research Group</collab-name>
   <xref ref-type="fn" rid="FN6">6</xref>
 <author-notes id="FN6"> 
  <fn fn-type="study-group-members"> 
   <p>相渡弘, 今井雅倫, 木島栄次, 清水千春, 清水なるみ, 白金正明, 杉山兼二, 
    春原孝, 楯誠治, 田中新一, 田中博, 栩秋洋平(五十音順).</p> 
   <p xml:lang="en">Aido, H., Imai, M., Kijima, E., Shimizu, C., 
    Shimizu, N., Shirokane, M., Sugiyama, K., Sunohara, T., Tanaka, H., 
    Tanaka, S., Tate, S. and Tochiaki, Y. 3 (alphabetical order).</p>