%milestone-start-atts; Milestone Start Attributes

Attribute list for the <milestone-start> element.


The attributes are the same for the milestone start and milestone end elements because existing common practice varies as to which element has the explanatory data and whether both elements are linked to each other or only the start to the end. If creating these from scratch for a book, where there is a choice, best practice is to place the @rationale on the start element and to link start to end and end to start.
This parameter entity invokes the parameter entity %milestone-atts; for the sake of backward compatibility.
<!ENTITY % milestone-start-atts
             rid        IDREF                             #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                             #IMPLIED
             rationale  CDATA                             #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                             #IMPLIED
             xml:lang   NMTOKEN                           #IMPLIED
             %multi-lang-atts; "                                     >
Expanded Declaration

id ID #IMPLIED xml:base CDATA #IMPLIED rid IDREF #IMPLIED content-type CDATA #IMPLIED rationale CDATA #IMPLIED specific-use CDATA #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED lang-group IDREF #IMPLIED lang-translate (yes | no) #IMPLIED lang-focus (primary | secondary | undefined | custom) #IMPLIED lang-focus-custom CDATA #IMPLIED lang-source (author | editor | translator | machine | custom) #IMPLIED lang-source-custom CDATA #IMPLIED lang-variant (original | translation | interpretation | transcription | transliteration | phonetic | spoken | unknown | custom) #IMPLIED lang-variant-custom CDATA #IMPLIED